September 8, 2015

A Farewell to #BLGtoursTO…For Now!

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Along with the end of summer comes the official conclusion of #BLGtoursTO (summer edition)! We started the adventure in the office of Bellissimo Law Group and figured there was no better way to wrap it up than from where it all originated.

Dundas Square, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), Casa Loma, and Ripley’s Aquarium are only a few (of many) attractions we’ve had the pleasure of exploring throughout this summer! From enjoying PanAm/ParapanAm Game events, to cheering on our Toronto Blue Jays, to strolling through the Distillery District – it has truly been quite the journey. We hope you enjoyed touring Toronto and the GTA with us as much as we did having you accompany us. If you haven’t already, you should definitely check out one (or more) of the attractions we’ve visited since many of them are open year-round!

One event to look forward to in the coming week, commencing on September 10th, is the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). If you are interested in viewing one of the many featured films, make sure you get your tickets soon as they sell out quickly!

This may be the end of our #BLGtoursTO adventure (for now), but that doesn’t mean it should be the end of yours! Go out, explore, and enjoy the incredibility Toronto and the GTA have to offer!