January 22, 2019
Are You Interested in Permanent Residence for Your Parents or Grandparents?
For those longing for their parents or grandparents abroad to be able to live permanently in Canada, it is almost time to formally express their interest in sponsorship.
The first step in the process is to provide some basic information on the interest to sponsor form. This online form will become available on Monday, 28 January 2019 at 12 p.m. EST. Those interested in sponsoring a parent or grandparent should mark this date in their calendars and aim to complete the form early next week because Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has not indicated how long the form will be available. IRCC has only stated that it “will remain available on IRCC’s website until we receive a specific number of complete interest to sponsor forms”[1].
After the window to submit this form closes, IRCC will invite potential sponsors to submit an application in the order that the interest to sponsor form was received. This is a notable change from last year when invitations were issued through a lottery system. Potential sponsors who receive an invitation to apply this year will have 60 calendar days to submit a complete application to IRCC. According to IRCC, this year a maximum of 20,000 completed applications to sponsor parents or grandparents will be accepted. The average processing time for these applications is expected to be two years.
It is important to note that only Canadian citizens, permanent residents or persons registered under the Indian Act (in Canada) may be eligible to sponsor their parent or grandparent. Sponsors must also be at least 18 years old and meet the necessary minimum income requirements for the last three years. A sponsor with a family of four (including the sponsor), for instance, must provide Notices of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency showing income of at least $60,271 in 2018, $59,426 in 2017 and $58,768 in 2016.[2] Potential sponsors may wish to have a co-signer to meet these financial requirements. Individuals residing in Quebec, must meet additional requirements.[3]
Several other requirements apply. For example, sponsors cannot be in detention, under a removal order, convicted of certain criminal offences or receiving social assistance unless it is for a disability.[4]
An additional consideration for potential sponsors is the processing fee of $1,040. This sum includes a $75 sponsorship fee, $475 principal applicant processing fee and a right of permanent residence fee of $490. (Although the right of permanent residence fee is not required at the time the application is submitted.) Additional fees may apply if biometrics (fingerprints and a photo) are required or if the parent or grandparent has an accompanying dependent child.
As the opportunity to sponsor a parent and grandparent approaches, interested individuals should take the necessary steps to familiarize themselves with the requirements and process.
For more information on Sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents, please contact us.