November 15, 2022

AI-use at IRCC: Advanced Analytics to Help Process Canadian Visitor Records

Posted by Durr-e Adan - Bellissimo Law Group PC

In its commitment and efforts to leverage technology to build a strong immigration system and expedite processing times, IRCC has announced that it will use the advanced analytics automated tool to help sort and process all visitor record applications using artificial intelligence.

This tool will: identify routine applications, check their eligibility of routine applications, and send the application to an officer to determine admissibility. For non-routine applications, the tool will sort and assign non-routine cases based on their level of complexity and send them to an officer for a full review. For both types of applications, this tool will also provide case notes summarizing the basic application information. Notably, IRCC highlights that the tool itself “never refuses or recommends refusing applications. IRCC officers will always make the final decision to approve or refuse applications”.

Several measures have been put in place to mitigate potential risks and ensure that the tool is used in line with all privacy requirements, including but not limited to: an extensive review process for potential bias impacts, privacy and security elements, and the discretion of officers to overturn an automated eligibility decision. At BLG PC we have testified before Parliament and have written extensively on the concerns surrounding the use of artificial intelligence in the processing of immigration applications, visas, permits etc. Please enter “Artificial Intelligence” in our blog search bar to learn more.

To learn more about visitor records, CLICK HERE