November 19, 2014

Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program – 2014 caps met

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

The Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program (“Ontario PNP”) offers employers and investors the opportunity to recruit and retain highly skilled foreign workers in Ontario as well as foreign workers and international students to permanently live and work in the province.

The program assists successful nominees to gain permanent residence status in Canada.  Each year, the total number of nominations permitted by Ontario PNP is capped by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (“CIC”). Opportunities Ontario has now met its 2014 cap of 2,500 nominations.

Applicants can still submit their applications under all streams, however, because the nomination target has been reached, Ontario PNP will be unable to issue nominations for the remainder of 2014.

Nominee applications that have not been finalized in 2014 will automatically be placed in priority for finalization in 2015. Any application received after October 31, 2014 will be assessed as part of the 2015 nomination target.

Currently eligible categories under the Ontario PNP are:

  • International student graduates with a Master’s or a PhD degree from an Ontario university or graduates of a Canadian college or university with a job offer in Ontario.
  • Employers who would like to hire foreign skilledworkers for professional, managerial and skilled trade positions they have not been able to fill.
  • Foreign workers who have two years of professional work experience and have a permanent, full-time job offer from an employer in Ontario.
  • Investors who want to bring in key foreign employees on a permanent basis to ensure the long term success of their investment.

Learn more about Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program here: