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September 7, 2023

Clients Deemed Conventional Refugees by the Refugee Appeal Division!

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Posted by admin - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Our clients contacted us following the refusal of their refugee claim at the Refugee Protection Division (“RPD”). We filed the Notice of Appeal to the Refugee Appeal Division (“RAD”) within the allotted time period and began working on the Appeal Record. Through extensive research, our team crafted detailed arguments outlining the flaws in the initial RPD decision relying on the claimants’ original testimony, country conditions and recent case law. Once our arguments and submissions were finalized, we filed the Appeal Record and awaited a decision from a RAD Member. When we received the RAD decision, we were thrilled – not only did the Member allow the appeal, our clients were also deemed to be Convention Refugees! This decision was the best possible outcome as it avoided a second redetermination hearing at the RPD and allows our clients to directly apply for permanent residence as Protected Persons.

We could not be happier for our clients and wish them all the best as they continue to live safely and without fear in Canada.