May 23, 2020
This Week’s Success Story: From Refusal to Successful Nomination!
A candidate for permanent residency was chosen from the Express Entry pool of applicants by Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). The applicant was very happy, and he provided to SINP all the required documents, intending to obtain the nomination.
A few months later, he received an email stating that his application is not complete, especially the part of the application concerning his work history and that additional documents are required. As the applicant is thorough and detail-oriented, he submitted all the materials he could gather immediately to prove his work experience.
Unfortunately, he received an email stating that his application is refused, as he does not make the nomination points. The client was desperate and contacted our firm, asking whether we could help him, in which we responded that we definitely could. We submitted a comprehensive analysis of the case to the review office of the SINP, demonstrating that, in fact, the applicant meets the requirements and makes the score to be nominated. After a couple of months, the applicant received another email with the nomination. A happy ending and a happy client and the satisfaction for our firm that we could be of service and help a person achieve their dream!