August 19, 2015
Thank you Canadian Bar Association!
In two weeks from today I will have completed my five years as a table officer beginning as Secretary, to Treasurer, to Vice Chair, to Chair and to Immediate Past Chair with the Canadian Bar Association. On September 1st, 2015 I will officially become one of twenty-six Past Chairs that have served the Canadian Bar Association’s National Immigration Law Section since 1982. This followed several years as an Executive Member and a decade later, I can thank the Canadian Bar Association and my colleagues for an incredible opportunity that has so enriched my career. The benefits of the experience are immeasurable. Yes, there was a lot of hard work and late nights, but the legal, policy, and governance advancements over that time are something the Section can be very proud of during a very difficult transitional time in the world of immigration law and policy.
The Section is in good hands with a group of dedicated, experienced, and knowledgeable lawyers leading our section into the future. Above all, the lasting friendships I have developed with colleagues all over Canada whom I may never have met otherwise is what I cherish most. I look forward to seeing many of those colleagues in Vancouver next year at our Annual Professional Development Conference. When it comes to goodbyes I always think of a great Ernie Harwell quote:
“It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.”