May 21, 2019

This Week’s Success Story: Canadian Experience Class (CEC) – Express Entry

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

As we all know, there are many foreign students who graduate from a college or university in Canada. They are then eligible for a post-graduate work permit (PGWP) and many of them find a job related to their skills and education.

But there are also many who cannot find a job according to their level of education. It is very frustrating, as these individuals invested time and funds to further their education in Canada and try to integrate into the Canadian society, by being productive and responsible foreign workers. We meet many such individuals who, being close to the end of their 3-year post-graduate work permit, still did not find a qualifying position to apply under the Canadian Experience program. It is frustrating for everybody, for the foreign worker and for their parents, who hope that their son or daughter will have a better life in Canada. One piece of advice we can give to all the foreign students who graduated in Canada and obtained a post-graduate work permit – please seek advice from the beginning, do not wait until the last minute to check whether the position you worked for is eligible under the National Occupational Classification list (NOC) for the CEC program.

We have had a case where the client contacted us early, after one year working on a position that he believed was eligible for the CEC program. When we told him the position was in fact at NOC level C, he was shocked. We advised him to look immediately for a new position and explained the NOC matrix to him. He followed our advice and then we helped him with his CEC application under the Express Entry. We were successful and you cannot describe his gratitude for the help during all this long process.

For more Success Stories, please click here.

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