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  • Toronto Star consults Mario Bellissimo on “Why applicants to Canada’s special, one-time immigration program fear a computer glitch may have dashed their dreams”

October 10, 2021

Toronto Star consults Mario Bellissimo on “Why applicants to Canada’s special, one-time immigration program fear a computer glitch may have dashed their dreams”

Posted by Durr-e Adan - Bellissimo Law Group PC

“As the applications are being processed, a growing number of applicants for the English-speaking streams are claiming that a glitch in the immigration application portal has wrongfully bumped them into the French streams. While some have already received refusal letters, others are just starting to spot the problem in their application record.”


Read the full article: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2021/10/05/earth-shattering-why-applicants-to-canadas-special-one-time-immigration-program-fear-a-computer-glitch-may-have-dashed-their-dreams.html