Our Recent Immigration Success Stories

At Bellissimo Immigration Law Group PC, we are privileged to work on behalf of many wonderful people, companies and associations. We represent immigration applicants from far outside Canada, from the time they step foot into the country’s airport waiting rooms all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Our immigration clients often tell us after their case is concluded that it would have helped to know of similar stories that are real and not just what you hear on the street. So every month, we post a few stories to celebrate our immigration success stories and offer some comfort to those who will soon embark on a similar journey…

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20 Apr 2016

Express Entry Profile, Can I Go At It Alone?

Another law firm blog about how their assistance made all the difference? Yes indeed!

But I know many people who applied and managed it on their own? Yes, that’s true.

So, what’s your point? Well many people who could have qualified did not because they tried on their own.

How do you know that? Well, because we see it often and keep in mind we see only those that decide to reach out after failing. We cannot know how many out there just mistakenly gave up.

Many people think that creating a profile on Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) portal is easy. For some people, it might be, but not for all. If one wants to make sure the profile takes into consideration every relevant aspect of the person’s life, including education, work history, travels, etc., then hiring a law firm with a proven track of multiple success stories might be a good idea.

Work history for one is very tricky.  Many questions arise.  Do I list every period of employment or self-employment? Can I not mention certain periods of employment to qualify for one of the programs (Federal Skilled Worker – FSW – Canadian Experience Class – CEC – Federal Skilled Trades – FST) and enhance my chances of being drawn from the pool of applicants?

The answer is “it depends” on many factors, that are too lengthy to describe here. One thing is sure – you do not need to list every period of employment in your work history, but you must list everything on the personal history section.

We recently were approached by one person who created his own profile, but was not sure whether it was correct or not. We checked the profile and the score was rather low in comparison to what the previous draws and the law indicated the person should score.  We had some ideas and the client retained. The client implemented some of the recommendations on how to increase the score and only one week after submitting the profile on the IRCC express entry portal, the client was invited to submit the full application (eAPR). He was very pleased with the result and hired us to help him with the second stage of his application as well.  It is not always as straight forward as it seems.  So, your most important decision may be to go at it alone or to reach out for professional assistance.  Therefore, before giving up it may be worth a call.  Good luck!

13 Apr 2016

Permanent Status Granted to Family Despite Medical Inadmissibility Finding

We assisted a family for some time who had applied for permanent residence on their own 4 years ago after having been nominated by the province, although their application was substantially delayed and at risk of refusal as their 15-year-old dependent child had Cerebral Palsy and was determined to be medically inadmissible. We worked together with the province and assisted the family in developing a Plan to demonstrate that the dependent would not cause a demand on Canada’s public resources, and recently the Applicant family was pleased to receive their permanent residence and have set about relocating to Canada.

6 Apr 2016

Assisting a returning client for over 10 years – Positive LMIA, PGWP and Study Permit

Because of a strong relationship we had made with one of our clients, they continued to return to us for legal assistance.  Initially, we helped this client obtain a study permit, more than 10 years ago. After graduating from university, this client came back to us to help her with the application for a post-graduate work permit (PGWP). She worked and volunteered in Canada for three years. During this period of time, she married and had a daughter. When she went on maternity leave, she was not able to accumulate one year of work experience to apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Therefore, we were again contacted by her to help her employer apply and obtain a labour market impact assessment (LMIA) regarding a position she was offered. We worked diligently with her employer and in the end, we succeeded in securing a positive LMIA. Our client had to leave Canada and go back home, but she retained our services to help her with an application for a work permit, based on the positive LMIA her employer received. We prepared the case and submitted it online at the visa office. We were extremely pleased with the result, as within just a couple of weeks our client received a work permit. Now she prepares herself and her daughter to come back to Canada, where she will work on the position she applied for. We wish her and her family all the best!

30 Mar 2016

Rehabilitation Reconsideration for Entire Family Approved!

We are most pleased to report that an entire family’s inadmissibility has been removed today following a Rehabilitation application. The Rehabilitation application originally dates back to many years ago, that was refused. The refusal was challenged to the Federal Court, and we were successful in identifying that the refusal was made in error and the Federal Court application was settled, and the Rehabilitation application was sent back for reconsideration, wherein updated and detailed arguments were made on the family’s behalf; leading to the approval!