Our Recent Immigration Success Stories

At Bellissimo Immigration Law Group PC, we are privileged to work on behalf of many wonderful people, companies and associations. We represent immigration applicants from far outside Canada, from the time they step foot into the country’s airport waiting rooms all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Our immigration clients often tell us after their case is concluded that it would have helped to know of similar stories that are real and not just what you hear on the street. So every month, we post a few stories to celebrate our immigration success stories and offer some comfort to those who will soon embark on a similar journey…

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23 Mar 2016

Finding of Medical Inadmissibility Overturned on Appeal Before the IAD

Our firm successfully represented an Applicant before the Immigration Appeal Division whose permanent residence application under the family class was refused on medical grounds because of a chronic health condition involving excessive demand on health services. Our team provided persistent advocacy by presenting probative medical evidence and strong humanitarian and compassionate submissions on behalf of the Applicant and the Appellant, which resulted in a positive decision.

16 Mar 2016

Misrepresentation Finding in Spousal Sponsorship Application Overturned!

Our firm successfully represented an Applicant before the Immigration Appeal Division whose spousal sponsorship of his wife and three stepchildren was refused on the grounds of genuineness and misrepresentation. Our team provided extensive evidence and submissions to argue that the marriage was entered into pursuant to cultural and regional customs and that the family had communicated with and supported each other for over five years and through multiple refused sponsorship applications. Our team also argued for humanitarian and compassionate relief from the concurrent misrepresentation finding, submitting that the misrepresentation was an innocent error and, among other things, the family would experience great hardship should the sponsorship application be refused. Through this we were able to attain a positive result for our client.

9 Mar 2016

Inadmissibility Finding in Judicial Review Considered Unreasonable

Our firm successfully represented an Applicant who had been found inadmissible to Canada for being a danger to the security of Canada in his Judicial Review application to the Federal Court. Our team provided strong arguments both in written and oral submissions to put forward the position that there was no evidence upon which to base the finding that then Applicant presented a danger to the security of Canada. The Federal Court Judge agreed with our position and allowed the Judicial Review, finding that the Officer’s determination as to the Applicant’s inadmissibility was unreasonable.

2 Mar 2016

Successful Parental Sponsorship Appeal Before the IAD

Our firm successfully represented an Appellant before the Immigration Appeal Division whose parental sponsorship appeal was allowed on consent following an Alternative Dispute Resolution conference. Our team provided extensive evidence and submissions at the early resolution stage to argue that the Appellant and his wife were currently in a financial situation to sponsor the Appellant’s parents. Our team also argued that the other humanitarian and compassionate factors weighed in favour of the appeal being granted, as the Appellant, an only child, had a responsibility to care for his parents who were living on their own and apart from any other family members. Through this early preparation we were able to obtain a positive result for our client, as the Appellant’s appeal was allowed before proceeding to a hearing.