March 31, 2015

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Amazon’s delivery drone!

Posted by Fabiola Arevalo - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Sometime in the not-so-distant future, you can say goodbye to the days when mailmen knock on doors to deliver packages. Instead, drones will be dropping off your online orders — and you can thank Canada for a big contribution.

U.S.-based Amazon is innovative in its attempt to implement this kind of technology. The company is ultimately aiming to expedite the shipment of small-sized packages to less than 30 minutes! Imagine that — you can browse, click, purchase, and receive your item in less time than it would take to even make a trip to the mall.

However, the road to testing out delivery drones has not been easy! Rules and regulations in the States are strict, and applications take a considerable amount of time to process. For this reason, the company looked to Canada for help in getting the project off the ground. Amazon now has a one year licence to test its technology and according to reports, has been doing so in a remote area of British Columbia nearby the U.S. border. With its contribution, Canada has become part of an experiment that is set to revolutionize the delivery process.

For more information on Amazon’s delivery drones and Canada’s role, click here!