This Week’s Success Story: Successful End to Citizenship Revocation
We recently received a positive decision on a citizenship revocation case on behalf of our client, ending a grueling and hard fought 8-year legal battle. We first began working with our client in September 2011 when they received notice of the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship’s intention to revoke their citizenship status. Our client ultimately joined Case Managed Proceedings being undertaken by our firm and others to challenge the new citizenship revocation process implemented in Canada in 2014. The legal challenge was successful and the relevant citizenship provisions were deemed to be inoperative and the notice of intent to revoke citizenship issued against our client was cancelled.
This was not the end of the revocation road, though, as our client was issued a subsequent notice in 2018 following the introduction of a new revocation process by the Government of Canada. Our office worked tirelessly to respond to the allegations included in this notice. While we addressed the legal concerns that our client had obtained Canadian citizenship by false representation or fraud or by knowingly concealing material circumstances, our firm also focused on our client’s establishment in Canada and the best interests of the children in this case. We are committed to ensuring that all possible legal challenges our presented on each of our files, and it is this thoroughness that once again ensured our success.
We could not be happier for our client, who no longer has to face the potential revocation of their citizenship. We appreciate our client’s generous words written following the successful conclusion of her case, as follows, “no words could ever describe the happiness I feel …Your team is my life saver. It’s so thankful that I can stay with my family and watch my kids grow”.