June 16, 2015

Canada’s Immigration Policies Named as Reason for Potential Rise to Power!

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

According to an article written by Noah Smith for the Bloomberg View, Canada is well on its way to being one of the world’s next superpowers. Though the U.S. and China are often thought of as top contenders, the progression of time is expected to result in a fundamental shift.

The reasons behind the country’s anticipated rise to power? Smith argues that there are three factors which play a role: “natural resources, good government and an almost unbelievably tolerant and open culture”. It is the last factor in particular that he believes will play the biggest part in Canada’s future success. With policies that aim to recruit highly skilled foreign nationals, Canada is anticipated to become a hub for bright minds and consequently, economic prosperity. In addition, it is a country that values diversity and tolerance. 

Though only time will tell whether and when Canada will rise on the international stage, one thing is certain. The country is unique in its immigration policies and ability to integrate newcomers.

For a full version of the article, please click here.
