November 23, 2015

Keeping Warm This Winter!

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

The Canadian winter weather is officially creeping up on us, with this weekend reaching a low of -4 degrees Celsius! Can you believe that? We are already experiencing below-zero weather!

Looking for something to keep you warm during the coming months? How about a warm, chocolaty beverage with tons of marshmallows or whip cream (or even both)! We have a compiled a list of places where you can find some delicious and mouth-watering hot chocolates in Toronto, click on each to be directed to their websites!


Soma Chocolatemaker (32 Tank House Lane and 443 King Street West)

Bobbette & Belle (1121 Queen Street East)

Delight Chocolate (3040 Dundas Street West)

Ambiance Chocolat (683 Mount Pleasant Road)

MoRoCo Chocolat (99 Yorkville Avenue)

Douce France (2471 Yonge Street)

The Chocolateria (361 Roncesvalles Avenue)

ChocoSol (1131 St. Clair Avenue West)


There are many more places in Toronto where you can indulge in this tasty beverage, we have only mentioned a few! Where is your go-to or favourite place to indulge in hot chocolate? Let us know on Twitter (@bellissimolaw)!