April 17, 2013

Study Shows Canadians Are More Tolerant of Immigration

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

A study done by the Institute for Research on Public Policy where 2,020 people were surveyed suggests that 58 per cent of Canadians support the country’s level of immigration. As the number of newcomer’s increases, Canadians have grown more tolerant of the country’s immigration levels.  Those who support immigration believe that multiculturalism is a source of national pride and benefits the economy.

Results show that attitudes towards immigrants vary by region; however each area had the majority support the existing immigration levels. Less than 20 per cent of Canadians felt that there were too many immigrants in the country.  While studies suggest that most Canadians have a positive view towards the immigration levels, occasional stories found in news headlines suggest that Canadians are fed up with accommodating newcomers.

Canadians’ views towards immigrants haven’t always been so positive. A study done by IRPP, a non partisan, Montreal- based public policy suggests that there was a shift in public opinion about a decade ago. Before the 1990s the majority of Canadians had a negative attitude towards immigrants, that perspective has slowly been changing throughout the years.

A poll done by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, shows that  Canadians are also found to be more tolerant of immigrants than people in Italy, Spain, the U.S., France, Netherlands and Germany.

Looking to immigrate to Canada? Contact us Today!