Our Recent Immigration Success Stories

At Bellissimo Immigration Law Group PC, we are privileged to work on behalf of many wonderful people, companies and associations. We represent immigration applicants from far outside Canada, from the time they step foot into the country’s airport waiting rooms all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Our immigration clients often tell us after their case is concluded that it would have helped to know of similar stories that are real and not just what you hear on the street. So every month, we post a few stories to celebrate our immigration success stories and offer some comfort to those who will soon embark on a similar journey…

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7 Sep 2023

Clients Deemed Conventional Refugees by the Refugee Appeal Division!

Our clients contacted us following the refusal of their refugee claim at the Refugee Protection Division (“RPD”). We filed the Notice of Appeal to the Refugee Appeal Division (“RAD”) within the allotted time period and began working on the Appeal Record. Through extensive research, our team crafted detailed arguments outlining the flaws in the initial RPD decision relying on the claimants’ original testimony, country conditions and recent case law. Once our arguments and submissions were finalized, we filed the Appeal Record and awaited a decision from a RAD Member. When we received the RAD decision, we were thrilled – not only did the Member allow the appeal, our clients were also deemed to be Convention Refugees! This decision was the best possible outcome as it avoided a second redetermination hearing at the RPD and allows our clients to directly apply for permanent residence as Protected Persons.

We could not be happier for our clients and wish them all the best as they continue to live safely and without fear in Canada.

29 Aug 2023

Successful Work Permit Application after Multiple Refusals

Our client retained us for a spousal open work permit after multiple refusals. She had applied for spousal open work permits three times and visitor visas twice to visit her newlywed husband who works in Canada. All her applications were refused, and we immediately made ATIP requests to see what notes the officers made and what information and supporting documents our client had submitted for their previous applications. Luckily, we received the officer’s notes and the full application packages within one month. We thoroughly reviewed these immigration records and carefully crafted our legal arguments to address all the concerns that were raised by the visa officers. Her application got approved within 5 weeks. We were very pleased that we were able to assist our client in reuniting with her husband in Canada and we wish them all the best!

22 Aug 2023

Mandamus leads to Re-Issuance of COPR Document

After a long delay, our office was retained to assist a client with a demand letter for specific performance submissions to send to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (“IRCC”). Our client had previously obtained his Confirmation of Permanent Residence Document (“COPR”) but due to his personal circumstances, was not able to travel to Canada within the validity period and was instructed by IRCC to reach out when he was ready to travel so his COPR could be re-issued based on his unique circumstances and given the COVID-19 pandemic. Our client contacted IRCC independently and had not received a response on the extension or re-issuance of his COPR. Once retained, we submitted a request to IRCC to extend the validity of or re-issue the COPR within thirty (30) days, otherwise, we would commence a Court action before the Federal Court of Canada seeking Mandamus.   

When no response was received, we filed an Application for Leave and Judicial Review to the Federal Court. After some time, our client was issued his COPR. We are thrilled that our efforts paid off, leading to this great result, and wish our client the best of luck as a Canadian Permanent Resident.  

10 Aug 2023

TRV Granted After Success at the Federal Court

Our office was initially retained to assist our client with the refusal of his application for a temporary resident visa (TRV).  Upon review of the refusal letter, we suggested that our client challenge the decision to the Federal Court of Canada, as it appeared unreasonable. Once we received the Rule 9 (reasons for the decision), we crafted our legal arguments and filed all materials with the Court.

Shortly thereafter, we received a letter from the Department of Justice on behalf of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) offering a settlement to our client. Our client’s TRV application was remitted back to a new immigration officer for redetermination where he was given the opportunity to provide additional documents and legal submissions in support of his application.

After assisting in preparing and filing updated materials for the redetermination of our client’s TRV application, we were thrilled to learn that the application was approved, and our client would finally be issued a TRV. We wish our client all the best!